[News] 100103 TVXQ Japan Contract will Expire in June… Afterthat?
AVEX official gave an official stand related to the chaotic/confusion among TVXQ fans both in Korea and Japan which has been happening after the article about TVXQ already stepped on disbanding procedure was released by Japanese newspapers.
On the 3rd, Nikkan Sports Japan quoted Japanese official from AVEX company, “The policy of TVXQ to work as five members doesn’t yet to change.”
However, as been informed, TVXQ contract with their Japan company AVEX will expire in June. If the contract is not extended from now on, whether TVXQ can continue activities in Japan, it won’t be yet secured.
Currently TVXQ Changmin and Yunho still remain under SM Entertainment while the rest members Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu have left expanding their each individual activities.
Just sometime ago, in Japan TVXQ attended NHK’s year-end award festival Kouhaku Uta Gassen as five members for the first time, however the three members, whose provisional disposition application to terminate exclusive contract against SM Entertainment was accepted by the Korea court as the issue of court injunction, seem to be more passionate in the performance and there was an unseen tense and emotional conflict with the remaining two members that makes the current situation is impossible to predict.
The problem now is whether SM will extend the contract of the 3 members with AVEX after June. The fact that currently TVXQ is at their peak of popularity in Japan is something that can not be ignored under any condition especially in relation to revenue circumstances.
TVXQ is now in a situation of an attempt to reach into final decision amicably to be able to work together in a long-term in Japan.
AVEX official gave an official stand related to the chaotic/confusion among TVXQ fans both in Korea and Japan which has been happening after the article about TVXQ already stepped on disbanding procedure was released by Japanese newspapers.
On the 3rd, Nikkan Sports Japan quoted Japanese official from AVEX company, “The policy of TVXQ to work as five members doesn’t yet to change.”
However, as been informed, TVXQ contract with their Japan company AVEX will expire in June. If the contract is not extended from now on, whether TVXQ can continue activities in Japan, it won’t be yet secured.
Currently TVXQ Changmin and Yunho still remain under SM Entertainment while the rest members Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu have left expanding their each individual activities.
Just sometime ago, in Japan TVXQ attended NHK’s year-end award festival Kouhaku Uta Gassen as five members for the first time, however the three members, whose provisional disposition application to terminate exclusive contract against SM Entertainment was accepted by the Korea court as the issue of court injunction, seem to be more passionate in the performance and there was an unseen tense and emotional conflict with the remaining two members that makes the current situation is impossible to predict.
The problem now is whether SM will extend the contract of the 3 members with AVEX after June. The fact that currently TVXQ is at their peak of popularity in Japan is something that can not be ignored under any condition especially in relation to revenue circumstances.
TVXQ is now in a situation of an attempt to reach into final decision amicably to be able to work together in a long-term in Japan.
[News] TVXQ Jepang 100.103 Kontrak akan berakhir pada bulan Juni ... Avex resmi berdiri memberikan resmi yang terkait dengan kacau / kebingungan di antara keduanya penggemar TVXQ di Korea dan Jepang yang telah terjadi setelah artikel tentang TVXQ sudah menginjak prosedur bubar dirilis oleh surat kabar Jepang. Pada 3, Nikkan Sports Jepang dikutip pejabat Jepang dari perusahaan Avex, "Kebijakan TVXQ untuk bekerja sebagai anggota lima belum berubah." Akan tetapi, seperti telah diberitahu, TVXQ kontrak dengan perusahaan Jepang Avex akan berakhir pada bulan Juni. Jika kontrak tidak diperpanjang dari sekarang, apakah dapat melanjutkan kegiatan TVXQ di Jepang, hal itu tidak akan belum diamankan. Saat ini TVXQ Changmin dan Yunho masih tetap di bawah SM Entertainment sementara sisanya anggota Jaejoong, YooChun dan JunSu telah meninggalkan memperluas masing-masing kegiatan. Hanya beberapa waktu yang lalu, di Jepang TVXQ dihadiri NHK akhir tahun penghargaan festival Kouhaku Uta Gassen sebagai lima anggota untuk pertama kalinya, namun tiga anggota, yang sementara aplikasi disposisi untuk mengakhiri kontrak eksklusif terhadap SM Entertainment telah diterima oleh Korea pengadilan sebagai masalah perintah pengadilan, tampaknya lebih bergairah dalam kinerja dan ada yang tak terlihat tegang dan konflik emosional dengan sisa dua anggota yang membuat situasi saat ini adalah mustahil untuk meramalkan. Masalahnya sekarang adalah, apakah SM akan memperpanjang kontrak dari 3 anggota dengan Avex setelah Juni. Kenyataan bahwa saat ini TVXQ adalah di puncak popularitas di Jepang adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat diabaikan dalam kondisi apapun terutama dalam kaitannya dengan pendapatan keadaan. TVXQ sekarang dalam situasi dari upaya untuk mencapai ke keputusan akhir kekeluargaan untuk dapat bekerja bersama dalam jangka panjang di Jepang.
Credit: Korea Economic Daily
Trans: sharingyoochun.net
shared by: CreamcheesecakeJJ
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