12 January, 2010

[FANACCNT] 091230 Tohoshinki in Japan Record Awards 2

Another fan account of our boys at the Japan Record Awards :)

Black letters: Words of the blog author, Yunohina. Orange letters: Report of A-san.

Wow~~~A-san sent us a report about our Tohoshinki!
A-san, thank you always! Everyone, please enjoy what the 5 members were doing, watching the performance.
*Oh, A-san was sitting on the 2nd floor, on Yunho’s side … she was looking down at Tohoshinki from the right diagonal angle.

After the opening finished, they exchanged greetings with the artists surrounding them.

As soon as he sat down, both of his hands were on his knees. The five fingers were opened, so cute.
When Kumi Koda’s video was shown, his body was swinging wiht the rhythm. He was watching the screen on his right side, so I was able to see his right profile.
When Bigbang received the Best Newcomer Award, he was clapping his hands all the time while they were singing.
When the program finished and they were walking toward the stage, Yunho and Keita (w-inds) were walking together, arm in arm with each other.

Throughout the performance, he was sitting quietly like a stone…so Yunho encouraged him to clap his hands, lol.
Just before the Japan Record Award was announced, he was stretching, turning his palm (of his hand) inside out.
After the announcement of the Japan Record Award, he sat down and started to smooth out the wrinkles of his jacket.

Jaejoong was speaking frequently to Yoochun.
The whorl of his hair was cute.
When he was looking at the videos, he was taking the rhythm with his right hand as though he was playing a piano.
He was playing around with his fingernails.
When Bigbang was announced as the Best Newcomer Award, he stood up and clenched his fist in triumph (together with Yoochun).
Just before the announcement of the Japan Record Award, he was stretching himself, moving his waist to the left and right.
After the program was finished and they were walking toward the stage, he turned around and bowed to the audience around him.

When he was to sit down, he was looking as though he was thinking “Is this the right place to sit down?”
The whorl of his hair was cute.
He chatted frequently with Jaejoong.
He was touching his sideburns, so cute.

The whorl of his hair was cute.
Sometimes he spoke with Kumi Koda, who is sitting right in front of him. Junsu lips were near Koda’s ears, oh~~
After the performance, when they were going back to stage, his jacket was turned up, so we were able to see his cute butt.

【The 5 members】
When they finished singing, they walked off stage from the left side.
They appeared to be one of the audience around 21:55, coming from the right side of the stage.
When Bigbang received the Best Newcomer Award, all the 5 members were watching, clapping their hands.
When EXILE received the Japan Record Award, all 5 members stood up to applause.

When Bigbang received the Best Newcomer Award, they were speaking in Korean.
I heard at that time, Jaejoong and Yoochun were laughing aloud, clapping their hands.

I was happy to hear that Yunho and Keita (w-inds) were walking together, arm in arm with each other.
The other day, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu were playing together.
There was a picture in Keita’s blog.
Even when they were not able to be there at that time, Yunho and Changmin should be good friends with Keita, too.

Thank you A-san, for letting us know about the 5 members, which were not broadcasted on TV!

T/N: Though this article is not allowed to be taken out of the blog, I made a special request to the blog author Yunohina in order to share the lovely information with our English speaking friends. I thank Yunohina and also, A-san, who made the lovely report so much. When reposting (if any), please correctly credit as written below, I thank you all for your kind understanding.

Penggemar lain tentang anak laki-laki kami pada Japan Record Awards:)
T / N: huruf Hitam: Kata-kata dari penulis blog, Yunohina. Orange huruf: Laporan dari A-san. Wow ~ ~ ~ A-san mengirim kami sebuah laporan tentang Tohoshinki kami! A-san, terima kasih selalu! Setiap orang, silakan menikmati apa yang 5 anggota lakukan, mengawasi apa yg mrk lakukan. * Oh, A-san sedang duduk di lantai 2, di sisi Yunho ... dia sedang menatap Tohoshinki dari sudut diagonal yang tepat. Setelah pembukaan selesai, mereka bertukar salam dengan para seniman yang mengelilingi mereka.
【Yunho】 Segera setelah ia duduk, kedua tangannya di atas lutut. Lima jari dibuka, so cute. Ketika Kumi Koda ditunjukkan video itu , tubuhnya berayun dengan irama. Dia sedang menonton layar di sisi kanan, jadi saya bisa melihat profil kanannya. Ketika BIGBANG menerima Best Newcomer Award, ia bertepuk tangan sepanjang waktu ketika mereka sedang menyanyi. Ketika program selesai dan mereka berjalan ke arah panggung, Yunho dan Keita (w-inds) berjalan bersama, bergandengan tangan dengan satu sama lain.【 Changmin】 Sepanjang pertunjukan, ia sedang duduk diam-diam seperti batu ... jadi Yunho mendorongnya untuk bertepuk tangan, lol. Tepat sebelum Record Award jepang diumumkan, ia merentangkan, memutar telapak tangannya (dari tangan) dalam ke luar. Setelah pengumuman dari Japan Record Award, ia duduk dan mulai meluruskan kerutan jaketnya.【 Jaejoong】 Jaejoong sering berbicara ke YooChun. Yang gelungan rambutnya yang lucu. Ketika ia melihat video, ia mengambil irama dengan tangan kanannya seolah-olah ia sedang bermain piano. Dia sedang bermain-main dengan kuku. Ketika BIGBANG diumumkan sebagai Best Newcomer Award, ia berdiri dan mengepalkan tinjunya di kemenangan (bersama dengan YooChun). Tepat sebelum pengumuman dari Japan Record Award, ia merentangkan dirinya sendiri, menggerakkan pinggangnya ke kiri dan kanan. Setelah program itu selesai dan mereka berjalan ke arah panggung, ia berbalik dan membungkuk kepada para penonton di sekelilingnya. 【YooChun 】 Ketika dia sedang duduk, ia tampak seolah-olah ia sedang berpikir "Apakah ini tempat yang tepat untuk duduk?" gelungan rambutnya yang lucu. Dia sering mengobrol dengan Jaejoong. Dia menyentuh cambang, so cute. 【 JunSu 】dari ikatan rambutnya lucu. Kadang-kadang ia berbicara dengan Kumi Koda, yang duduk tepat di depannya. Bibir JunSu dekat telinga koda, oh ~ ~ Setelah pertunjukan, ketika mereka akan kembali ke panggung, jaketnya itu muncul, jadi kami bisa melihat cute butt. 【 5 anggota】 Ketika mereka selesai bernyanyi, mereka berjalan turun panggung dari sisi kiri. Mereka tampaknya menjadi salah satu penonton di sekitar 21:55, datang dari sisi kanan panggung. Ketika BIGBANG menerima Best Newcomer Award, semua 5 anggota sedang menonton, bertepuk tangan. Ketika EXILE menerima jepang Record Award, semua 5 anggota berdiri untuk tepuk tangan. Ketika BIGBANG menerima Best Newcomer Award, mereka berbicara dalam bahasa Korea. Saya mendengar pada waktu itu, Jaejoong dan YooChun tertawa keras, bertepuk tangan. Aku senang mendengar bahwa Yunho dan Keita (w-inds) berjalan bersama, bergandengan tangan dengan satu sama lain. Hari yang lain, Jaejoong, YooChun dan JunSu sedang bermain bersama. Ada foto di Keita's blog. Bahkan ketika mereka tidak bisa berada di sana pada waktu itu, Yunho dan Changmin harus berteman baik dengan Keita juga. Terima kasih A-san, karena membiarkan kami tahu tentang 5 anggota, yang tidak ditayangkan di TV! T / N: Meskipun artikel ini tidak boleh dibawa keluar dari blog, aku membuat permintaan khusus untuk penulis blog Yunohina dalam rangka untuk berbagi informasi yang indah dengan teman-teman kita berbahasa Inggris. Saya berterima kasih Yunohina dan juga, A-san, yang membuat laporan indah begitu banyak. Ketika reposting (jika ada), silakan benar kredit seperti yang tertulis di bawah ini, saya terima kasih untuk semua pengertian jenis Anda.

Source: ...with TVXQ♡ (Yunohina’s blog)
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Indo trans by:mita cassiopeia
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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